Introduction: As novel technologies continue to be integrated into the healthcare settings, there is value in evaluating technology facilitated approaches to provisioning End-of-life (EOL) care in the aged care sector. One of such technology mediated approach is the development and use of a Digital Dashboard designed as an automated system to capture and interpret salient data points relating to end of life processes and activities in aged care.
Aim: To outline the conceptual development of a Digital Dashboard that aims to facilitate quality EOL care provision and reporting in the Australian aged care setting.
A three-step process was opted for the dashboard conceptualisation:
Step 1: As the new ACQS is the single benchmarking guidelines across all aged care services in Australia, the investigators reviewed the ACQS in its entirety to identify key elements of quality EOL care provision in the aged care setting. Twenty two items of care relevant to quality palliative care provision process were extracted.
Step 2: The items extracted in Step 1 were cross compared with the National Palliative Care Standards and the ELDAC care model.
Step 3: The extracted indicators of the ACQS were articulated in a way that is relevant within the context of both the aged care and palliative care, while ensuring they are practical and reflect care activities.
Each of these elements were then expanded upon to build a list of essential activities that are beneficial for reporting and prompting clinical actions relevant to palliative care provision in the aged care sector. These items are:
Conclusion: A set of data elements applicable and feasible for inclusion in a digital dashboard dealing with palliative care in the aged care sector have been identified. These elements could be used to create reports showing how care is being delivered for use within the organisation.