6 minute Speed talk Palliative Care Nurses Australia Conference 2020

Exploring the decision making process of hospice and palliative care among chronic ill patients and their family (69763)

Shou-Yu Cindy Wang 1
  1. University of New England, Armidale, NSW, Australia

The Hospice Foundation and the first hospice ward were established by the Mackay Memorial Hospital since 1990 in Taiwan. The development of hospice (also known as palliative care) is gradually seen as important. More and more people use palliative care in their final journey of life. However, promoting education and awareness of palliative care still need to be strengthened. In Taiwan, because of culture background, patients and family hold significant roles when they face the end stage of chronic illness. Therefore, if we can further understand the decision making process of choosing hospice care among chronic ill patients and their families. Through this process, it will encourage more people to aware hospice care. When the patient requires palliative care, the families are able to discuss with the patient and health care professionals.


Therefore, qualitative research approach (based on grounded theory) will be utilized in this study to explore the decision making process of choosing hospice care among chronic ill patients and their families. Semi-structured in-depth interviews will be used in data collection. In addition, grounded theory approach to data analysis will be utilized in analyzing the data in order to obtain chronic ill patients and their families’ decision making process of choosing hospice care. It is expected that this study may offer the context of the decision making process of choosing hospice care among chronic ill patients and family. Furthermore, it is able to offer how to care chronic ill patients and their families when they make decisions regarding palliative care. Improving hospice and palliative care development in the future can be expected.